More Complete List of Talks

This list is mostly just an attempt to keep track of my own talks (and it’s a bit out of date). But if you see something here you’re interested in learning more about, feel free to contact me!

Selected Workshops and Short Courses

“More fun, less boring, much clearer: Quick tips and tricks for writing about statistics,” Emory University American Statistical Association Student Chapter Workshop, October 2020.

“Storytelling for Impact,” American Statistical Association Council of Sections Leadership Workshop, September 2020.

“The Value of P-Values,” National Institutes of Health National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Clinical Studies Working Group Workshop, August 2020.

“Quick lessons for communicating and visualizing quantitative information,” American Association for Public Opinion Research Conference Short Course, June 2020.

“Communicating Quantitative Information Is Hard: Strategies for Success,” Women in Data Science Conference Workshop, Washington, DC, March 2020.

“Writing About Statistics,” Women in Statistics and Data Science Conference Short Course, Bellevue, Washington, October 2019 (with Kristin Sainani, PhD).

Invited talks and keynotes

Keynote speaker, “Hacking the News Story,” US Conference On Teaching Statistics, Pennsylvania State University, June 2023.

Invited speaker, “Brain-Hacking Stats Communication: A Brief Tour,” Marvin Zelen Public Symposium, Dana-Farber Harvard Cancer Center, September 2020.

Invited speaker, “Flawed COVID-19 research: Why statistics is more important than ever,” Joint Anesthesiology Grand Rounds Lecture, Weill Cornell Medical College, June 2020.

Interviewee, “Fact check: Misleading bar graph presents distorted interpretation of black and white murder rates,” Reuters Fact Check Team, June 2020.

Keynote speaker, “Connecting 21st-Century Information to Stone-Age Brains: Numbers, Uncertainty, Surprise and More,” ComSciCon Virginia Tech, February 2020.

Invited speaker, “Human-Centered Quantitative Communication,” Clinical and Translational Science Lecture Series, Virginia Tech and University of Virginia, December 2019.

Keynote speaker, “Statistical Significance: How we got here and where we’re going,” Polish Pharmacoeconomics Society Conference, Warsaw, Poland, November 2019.

Keynote speaker, “Why we should apply human-centered design to statistical communication,” Open Statistics / Open Eyes Conference, University of Bologna, Cesena, Italy, September 2019.

Keynote speaker, “Human-centered design and statistical significance,” MuST Conference in Philosophy, Munich, Germany, July 2019.

Keynote speaker, “Human-Centered Quantitative Communication for Clinicians and Patients,” Association of Clinical and Translational Statisticians Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 2019.

President’s invited speaker, “How we scientists can stop fooling ourselves,” Association of University Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2019.

Keynote speaker, “Communicating modern statistical ideas to stubborn stone-age brains,” Eurostat’s New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics Conference, Brussels, Belgium, March 2019.

Invited presenter, “Statistics & Data Science Communication: Tips, Tricks, and Thoughts for a New Model of Engagement,” University of Washington Biostatistics Seminar, October 2018

Invited presenter, “Statistics Communication: Thoughts on a New Model of Engagement,” Pew Research Center “Shop Talk” seminar series, Washington, DC, September 2018

Plenary speaker, “How (not) to fool yourself with p-values and other statistics,” American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, August 2018.

Invited presenter, “Quantitative Communication: Tips and Tricks,” Applied Biostatistical Sciences Network lecture series at the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, June 2018.

Invited presenter, “Understanding and Communicating P-values,” University of Rochester Medical School, Rochester, NY, June 2018.

Invited professional night speaker, “How journalists think about statistics – and how they don’t,” Advanced Placement Statistics Readers’ Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 2018.

Keynote speaker, “Communicating 21st-century public opinion research to skeptical stone-age brains,” American Association for Public Opinion Research annual conference, Denver, CO, May 2018.

Invited presenter, “Why writing about statistics is so hard – and how to do it anyway,” Washington Statistical Society Seminar Series, Washington, DC, April 2018.

Webinar presenter, “Beyond the P-Value,” ExCyte Expert Flow Cytometry professional development series, March 22 2018.

Interviewee, “Prediction by the Numbers,” PBS NOVA, 2018.

Invited presenter, “How not to fool yourself with p-values (and other statistics),” Distinguished Lecture Series in Educational Neuroscience, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, January 2018.

Keynote speaker, “How not to fool yourself with statistics: Cognitive biases & understanding and communicating p-values,” at “Statistical standards for scientific discovery in linguistics: a practical introduction” conference, Department of Linguistics, University of Zurich, Switzerland, October 4 2017.

Invited presenter, “How not to fool yourself with p-values and other statistics,” Center for Multimodal Imaging Seminar Series, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda MD, August 2017.

Lecturer, “How not to fool yourself with p-values,” Online Intensive for Brain Science: Imaging and Computation course, June 2017.

Invited panelist, “Workshop on Responsible Communication of Basic Biomedical Research: Enhancing Awareness and Avoiding Hype,” Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in cooperation with the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), June 2017.

Invited presenter, “Fooling yourself with p-values and other statistics,” Bioengineering Seminar Series, Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, April 2017.

Invited presenter, “How (not) to fool yourself with data,” Open and Reproducible Neuroscience Workshop, National Institute of Mental Health, March 2017.

Invited presenter, “Problems with P-values,” University of Maryland School of Public Health Grand Rounds, April 2016.

Invited presenter, “P-values: Worth an Official Decree?” at Miami University Department of Statistics and Department of Journalism Seminar Series, Oxford, Ohio, March 2016.

Invited presenter, “P-Values: Controversies, Misunderstandings, and Abuses,” at George Washington University Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Seminar Series, Washington, DC, December 4, 2015.

Invited presenter, “Statistics Meets Science Journalism,” Cornell University Department of Statistics Seminar Series, November 2015.

Special speaker, “Communicating Statistics: P-Value Pitfalls, Sensational Science & the Media,” American Statistical Association Philadelphia Chapter annual spring dinner, March 2015.

Invited speaker, “Five problems with p-values as illustrated through five stories about sex,” Data Community DC Lecture Series, Washington DC, December 11, 2014.

Invited speaker, “Evidence –B(i)ased Medicine,” Accademia Nazionale di Medicina meeting “Highlights in ginecologia oncologia,” Camogli, Italy, November 28, 2014.

Invited speaker, “Statistical Significance: Problems and Controversies,” Council for Responsible Nutrition annual meeting, Laguna Niguel, November 6, 2014.

Invited presenter, “Uncertainty and the P,” U.S. Census Bureau Seminar Series, October 30, 2014.

Invited presenter, “The P-Value and Reproducibility,” Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology Seminar Series, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, October 28, 2014.

Guest, NBC’s “TODAY Show,” discussing science of mating in LA Times article “Vying for a soul mate,” December 30, 2008.

Selected Professional Service and Awards

Excellence in Statistical Reporting Award, American Statistical Association, 2014.

Committee Chair, Working Group for Improving Rigor and Reproducibility for Animal Research, Advisory Committee for the Director of the National Institutes of Health; developed statistical explainer materials and led the Statistical Considerations Committee to develop recommendations, 2019 - 2020.

Invited session co-organizer, “The Ethics of Data Communication” (with Liberty Vittert), World Statistics Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2019 (accepted).

Associate Editor, The American Statistician Special Issue on Statistical Inference, 2017 - present.

Invited author, “Tips for Communicating Statistical Significance.” Science, Health, and Public Trust, National Institutes of Health, November 2018.

Statistical Advisory Board,, Sense about Science USA, 2016 - present.

Editorial board for the ASA-CRC Book Series “Statistical Reasoning in Science and Society,” Chapman & Hall, 2015 - present.

Invited session co-organizer, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Future of Statistics and the Public” (with Liberty Vittert), Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2018.

Invited session co-organizer, “The ergonomics of statistics and data science” (with Liberty Vittert), Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2018.

Special consultant, Nature, 2016 - 2017

Webinar co-presenter, “Communicating statistics to industry and other non-technical audiences” (with Liberty Vittert), American Statistical Association’s Committee on Career Development, December 2017.

Co-organizer, “Stats Challenge Wikepedia Editathon” (with Donna Lalonde and Peter Meyer), American Statistical Association, Alexandria VA, November 2017.

Invited session co-organizer, “Telling statistical stories and teaching good data sense to the public” (with John Bailer), World Statistics Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2017.

Session co-organizer, “The ASA Statement on P-Values and Statistical: Development and Impact” (with Ron Wasserstein), session at the Royal Statistical Society 2016 Conference, Manchester, England, September 5, 2016.

Co-organized and presented, “Statistical Tools for Journalists” (with Jonathan Auerbach), DC Science Writers Association and American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, August 2016.

Working group member, “Statistical ambassadors and media training,” American Statistical Association’s presidential initiative, 2016 - 2017.

Panel member/speaker, “Statistics Meets Science Journalism: How Jelly Beans Explain Your Sex Life,” for “Statistics and the Media” session, Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA, August 10, 2015.

Co-organizer and speaker, “The Perils of P-Values: How to be Smart when Writing about Statistics” (with Tom Siegrfried), National Association of Science Writers conference, Columbus, OH, October, 2014.

Panel member/speaker for “Rising above the noise: Using statistics-based reporting” at the National Association of Science Writers conference, Gainesville, FL, November 2, 2013

Group leader/presenter at ONA dCamp D.C. (design and data camp) at the Washington Post, Washington, D.C., May 11, 2013.

Panelist, Career panel, University of Texas Medical Branch, March 15, 2011.

Full-day workshop co-presenter, “Functional Data Analysis using R” (with James Ramsay), International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, July 7, 2003.

Reviwer, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Nature Methods, Philosophies, BMJ Open, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PLOS ONE, PeerJ, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Selected Conference Presentations

Nuzzo, Regina. “Begin Mastering Medical Studies,” American Health Care Journalists Conference, Baltimore, MD, May 2019 (with Tara Haelle and Ishani Ganguli, MD).

Nuzzo, Regina. “How to increase statistical literacy by thinking like a journalist.” Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 2018.

Nuzzo, Regina. “Why the media are uncomfortable with uncertainty, and what statistics can do to fix that.” Presented at the World Statistics Congress, Marrakech, Morocco, July 2017.

Nuzzo, Regina, Turner, Paaige, and Vraga, Emily. “Framing and Communicating Scientific Knowledge.” Presented at the Symposium on Statistical Significance, American Statistical Association, Washington, DC, November 2017

Nuzzo, Regina. “Statistics and Data Science Communication: Tips and Tricks for a New Model of Engagement.” Presented at the Women in Statistics and Data Science conference, La Jolla, CA, October 2017.

Nuzzo, Regina. “Ergonomics of Data Analysis in Research: Another lens on research reproducibility.” Presented at the Joint Conference on Biometrics and Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, August 2017.

Nuzzo, Regina. “The ASA Statement on P-Values and Statistical: Development and Impact." Presented at the Royal Statistical Society 2016 Conference, Manchester, England, September 2016.

Nuzzo, Regina. “Problems with P-value Reform: Who can we blame?” Presented at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL, August 2016.

Nuzzo, Regina. “Data Journalism: Who needs statisticians?” Presented for the late-breaking session at the Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL, August 2016.

Ramsay, James and Nuzzo, Regina. “Functional Analysis of Music Data.” Presented at the Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 2003.

Ramsay, James and Nuzzo, Regina. “Functional Data Analysis for Pharmacokinetic Data.” Presented at the Institute of Mathematical Statistics Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, July 29, 2002.